e-Consilium offers global services delivery – fulfilling client needs with same quality and efficiency regardless the locations in which the service is executed. Global & successful clients expect vendors to offer optimized services from global locations.

"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word — excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it."  – Pearl S. Buck
We deliver services from a global network from North America to South Asia. Our model supports 24x7 and follow-the-sun delivery—while also meeting clients’ needs for proximity, language and cultural compatibility. Our global delivery centers are interconnected with state-of-the-art telecom and data communication networking technologies and complemented by robust tools for distributed project management. This allows e-Consilium to ramp resources up or down rapidly and in most cost-effective manner for clients.
•We tirelessly embark on using tools –both in-house developed and procured – to improve quality, productivity, and accuracy of our service offerings. Our usage of tools extends to all phases of IT project life cycle, and for all technology platforms. Typically, our in-house technology competency centers take ownership for development or procurement of the tools, to be institutionalized across all delivery teams.

 RIM Rapid Implementation Methodology

e-Consilium has developed a Rapid Implementation Methodology based on a long history, over 10 years, of working with the large globlal corporations and the largest consulting firms. We have used and validated this methodology with a package of templates from project beginning to end for many large and small systems solutions.

  • Scope Definition
  • Analysis Documents
  • Project Plan
  • Solution Design
  • QA Templates
  • Best Support Practices

