Logistic Organizations comprises of various heterogeneous systems with huge volume of data from various points across the supply chain and logistic cycle. Our solutions allows Logistics and/or Retail companies to integrate disparate systems like WMS, ERP, CRM and various other systems to generate an intelligent decision making data.
The Internet of business entities is significant factor in the supply chain. Companies are increasingly leveraging execution-level data in operational applications and automated processes to increase decision accuracy, reduce costs and improve operating performance.
The ability to integrate disparate systems and analyze the resulting data is critical to successful distribution analytics.
Some of e-Consilium capabilities:
- Data integration with Service Oriented Application Architecture (SOA) using Web services
- Managing & handling Unstructured & Structured Data with large volume using Big Data Platform
- Reporting and Analytics capabilities using various BI tools including Panorama & Tableau Analytical tool
- Analysis of Quantities On Hand (QOH) versus forecasted sales
- Analysis of sales revenue versus costs
- Forecasting based upon existing metric
- Improve profitability with in-depth analysis of service and network portfolio across customers, suppliers and every step in the logistics chain
- Analyze loads, routes, carriers, tendering, bookings, customs filings, freight audit and payment on a by-order basis to reduce cost variables
- Improve cash flow and gain operational efficiencies by enabling streamlined business discovery across all enterprise functions
- Streamline safety, traceability and compliance reporting with drill-down detail to documentation